Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


Peter Daly


Peter Daly has worked as an actor with almost all of the major theatre companies in Ireland including Rough Magic, The Abbey, The Gate, Fishamble, Livin Dred, Second Age, The Performance Corporation, Calipo, Calypso, Upstate, Team and Barnstorm. Television and radio credits include Trivia, The Clinic, Fair City and Love Is The Drug, The Eamon Lowe Show (Today FM), Mayday and Cobwebs & Chandeliers.

Creidiúintí: DRÁMADÓIR

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Money Peter Daly
Swing Gavin Kostick Janet Moran Steve Blount Peter Daly


Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Swing Gavin Kostick Janet Moran Steve Blount Peter Daly