Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


Declan Lynch


Declan Lynch is a journalist and writer. He has written for Hot Press and the Guardian and is a columnist for the Sunday Independent. He has published several books, including the novels 'All the People, All the Time' (Simon & Schuster), 'Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me' (Townhouse), and 'The Rooms' (Hot Press Books); as well as 'Ireland on Three Million Pounds a Day' (New Island Books), 'They are of Ireland' (Hot Press Books) and 'Days of Heaven' (Gill & MacMillan), his memoir of Italia 90.

Creidiúintí: DRÁMADÓIR

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
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Massive Damages Declan Lynch