Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


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  • Drámadóir

    Wayne Jordan 

  • Athchóirithe/ Aistrithe ó


  • Achoimre

    Let the day Finish What the night Began Shoot an arrow of hope Into the heart Of this broken city The city of Thebes hides a secret crime. Punished by the Gods, the citizens seek protection. They turn to their King. He saved them before. Can he save them again? Sophocles' tragedy is an elaborate meeting of political drama, murder mystery and psychological thriller.

  • Cinéal Dráma


    Líon na Míreanna

    Dráma Fada

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


  • Eolas Faoin bhFoireann

    Original production cast also included 12 Chorus members.

Céad Léiriú

Foireann An Chéad Léirithe  
Chorus Helen Norton
Chorus Charlotte McCurry
Messenger Charlotte McCurry
Oedipus Barry O'Connor
Chorus Shane O'Reilly
Chorus Muiris Crowley
Chorus Rachel Gleeson
Creon Mark Huberman
Chorus Esosa Ighodaro
Chorus Robert O'Connor
Chorus Damian Kearney
Chorus Karen Ardiff
Stranger Ronan Leahy
Jocasta Fiona Bell
Chorus Patrick David Nolan
Tiresias Peter Gowen
Shepherd Malcolm Adams
Chorus Gerard Kelly
Chorus Hilda Fay
Chorus Nicola Kavanagh
Foireann Léirithe  
Stiúrthóir Wayne Jordan
Dearthóir Seit Ciaran O'Melia
Dearthóir Soilsithe Sinead Wallace
Dearthóir Feistis Catherine Fay
Andrea Ainsworth
Sue Mythen
Andrew Clancy
Bainisteoir Stáitse Brendan Galvin
Leas-Bhainisteoir Stáitse Anne Kyle
Leas-Bhainisteoir Stáitse Orla Burke
Dearthóir Grafach Zero G
Grianghrafadóireacht Ros Kavanagh
Grianghrafadóireacht Sarah Doyle
Amanda Coogan
Theatre Production Services
Ronan Phelan
Cóitseálaí Amhránaíochta Suzanne Savage
Kelly Phelan
Michael Lloyd
Val Sherlock
Tom Lane
Ruth McCreery
Máirín Harte
Louisa Sanfey

Scripteanna Neamhfhoilsithe

Eolas Faoi Chearta

Foinse Eolais

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme.