Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


Collette Farrell


Collette has worked in professional theatre since 1986, as an actress initially and then as a drama facilitator in the first Community and Education Department in the Abbey Theatre. She set up a successful children’s theatre company, Tell Tale Theatre in the late 80’s with actor Sean Campion and she also taught in the Gaiety School of Acting from 1988-1994. From 1994 - 2000 Collette worked in the City Arts Centre, Dublin, as General Manager, and then in 1998 she was appointed Programming Manager. As Programming Manager, she co-founded and managed the very successful late night Comedy Club - Stiryfry, and was also responsible for programming all the various exhibitions, festivals and theatre/music events. Since 2002 she's been the Director of Calipo.

Poist sa Chompántas

Teideal Poist Compántas
Company Manager Calipo Theatre Company

Venue Jobs

Teideal Poist Ionad
Director Droichead Arts Centre

Poist san Fhéile

Teideal Poist Féile
Co - Chair Drogheda Arts Festival

Creidiúintí: DRÁMADÓIR

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Tall Tales Collette Farrell Jim O'Keefe Sean Campion


Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Spacers Paul Mercier
Tall Tales Sean Campion Collette Farrell Jim O'Keefe

Stage Manager

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
A Show of Hans! Fergus Fay

A musical adaptation of two Hans Anderson Tales, "The Red Shoes" and "Big Claus and Little Claus." 

Sea Urchins Aodhán Madden


Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Pineapple Phillip McMahon
Wunderkind Darren Thornton

Stage Director

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
The Birdtable Brendan Gleeson