Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


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The Magic Tree


  • Drámadóir

    Ursula Rani Sarma 

  • Suíomh

    Abandoned summer house

  • Achoimre

    Which comes first, loneliness or violence? This is the story of love born in a very dark place between a man who wants to belong and a woman who wants to be forgotten. On a stormy night, they shelter in an abandoned summer home and tentatively discover what it is that they have in common. But just when it seems something beautiful might emerge, the opposite appears.

  • Cinéal Dráma

    Drámaí Ginearálta

    Líon na Míreanna

    Dráma Fada

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Céad Léiriú

  • Dáta an Chéad Léirithe

    28 August 2008

  • Leiriú

    Produced by Djinn Productions

  • Ionad an Chéad Léirithe

    Granary Theatre

  • Nótaí Faoin gCéadléiriú Éireannach

    Part of the Cork Midsummer Festival.

Foireann An Chéad Léirithe  
Doc Frank Bourke
Lenny Ciaran O'Brien
Gordy John Cronin
Phan Cian Murray
Lamb Laura O'Toole
Foireann Léirithe  
Stiúrthóir Ursula Rani Sarma
Soilsiú Sinead Wallace
Ceol agus Fuaim Sam Jackson
Cúntóir Deartha Jennifer Lichter
Léiritheoir Feidhmiúcháin Joanne Beirne
Léiritheoir Feidhmiúcháin William Galinsky
Léirithe ag Róise Goan
Bainisteoir Léirithe Olan Wrynn
Bainisteoir Stáitse Deirdre McClean
Kevin Smith
Dearthóir Becs Andrews
Lisa Mahony

Scripteanna Foilsithe

Eolas Faoi Chearta

  • Críoch

    All Territories

  • Cinéal Cearta

    All Rights

  • Teagmháil

    Casarotto Ramsay & Associates Ltd

  • Seoladh

    Waverley House, 7-12 Noel Street
    London WIF 8GQ

  • Guthán

    + 44 (0)20 7287 4450

  • Ríomhphost

Foinse Eolais

The information for this entry was taken from the original production porgramme.