Strokehauling explores the life of a small-town draper’s assistant. On the surface, he is awkward, friendly and none too exciting but inside his head the world explodes in a cacophony of sound and landscape and heroic deeds. He moves from the outside world to the inside of his head by running, physically running along the roads and laneways of rural Ireland while mentally exploring the landscape of his dreams.
Téatar Fisiciúil/Téatar Seiftithe
Dráma Fada
15 October 1996
Produced by Barabbas In association with Project Arts Centre
Project Arts Centre
c/o Irish Theatre Institute17 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2Co. DublinRepublic of Ireland
All Territories
All Rights
The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and promotional flyer. Additional information was supplied by a member of Barabbas... the company.