Wayne Jordan
Pierre De Marivaux
Adapted from 'La Double Inconstance' by Pierre de Marivaux
It's once upon a time in a far away place, And Sylvia has a big choice to make. What will it be? The Prince or the Pauper? Beauty or the Beast?
Dráma Fada
24 November 2008
Produced by Randolf SD|The Company
Project Arts Centre
Níl aon eolas ar fáil. Scrúdaigh taighdeoirí ITÉ an iontráil dráma seo go cúramach agus ní bhfuarthas aon eolas eile ina thaobh. Má tá eolas eile agat ar an iontráil seo, ar mhiste leat é a chur chugainn?