Samuel Beckett
Stage in darkness but for MOUTH, upstage audience right, about 8 feet above stage level. AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba
An actress is seated on stage with just her mouth spot-lit. The mouth delivers a long stream of consciousness. Evasion is the principle theme, as is highlighted by Beckett's note to the text in which the mouth's chief endeavour throughout the play is a 'vehement refusal to relinquish the third person'. The mouth undergoes a desperate struggle to avoid saying 'I', marked by four moments of crisis in which her monologue becomes a question and answer with an inner voice not heard by the audience.
Drámaí Ginearálta
The writer has specified that the sex of the auditor character be undeterminable.
September 1972
First performed at the Forum Theater, the Lincoln Center, New York.
Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works
Faber and Faber
74-77 Great Russell StreetLondon WC1B 3DAEngland
+ 44 (0)20 7465 0045
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All Rights
The Estate of Samuel Beckett
c/o Curtis Brown Haymarket House, 28/29 Haymarket,London SW1Y 4SPEngland
+ 44 (0) 20 7396 6600
The information for this entry was taken from 'Samuel Beckett: Collected Plays' (Faber and Faber, 1986) and from various other sources.