Michael J. Murphy (2)
A play set in South Armagh and focusing on the Border, which lies close to the home of Thomas Dowdall and his family. To some Dowdall family members, the Border is simply a profitable income source through smuggling. Others view it as a betrayal of the old ideals fought for decades before. Then, a resurgence of IRA activity sets the two at loggerheads with each other.
Drámaí Ginearálta
Dráma Fada
06 September 1960
Produced by Ulster Group Theatre
Group Theatre
Níl aon eolas ar fáil. Scrúdaigh taighdeoirí ITÉ an iontráil dráma seo go cúramach agus ní bhfuarthas aon eolas eile ina thaobh. Má tá eolas eile agat ar an iontráil seo, ar mhiste leat é a chur chugainn?
Information for this entry was taken from press cuttings, and from the original production programme held at the Theatre and Performing Arts Archive of the Linen Hall Library, Belfast.