Johnny Hanrahan
Presented as part of The Passion Machine's Songs of The Reaper programme. Love Machines was part of Block Three, which also included 'Ghost Acreage at Vixen Time' by Deirdre Anne Hines, and 'Dectire' by John McArdle (both listed separately).
The communal obsession with virtual reality and electronic communication suggests that meaningful physical activity will continue to decline rapidly in the industrialised world. If you lose your body, you lose your mind. Love Machines is a play set in a virtual world where people never meet each other, as they communicate in a virtual world.
Drámaí Ginearálta
11 March 1994
Produced by Passion Machine
Project Arts Centre
c/o RevereSouth DouglasCorkRepublic of Ireland
All Territories
All Rights
The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and promotional flyer.