Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


Carolyn Swift

1923 - 2002

Born in London, Swift came to Dublin in 1946 to join Anew McMaster's company at the Gate Theatre. In 1953 she founded, with Alan Simpson, the Pike Theatre, for which she wrote seven late-night intimate revues, 'The Follies'. In 1961 she joined RTE, writing, adapting and editing plays for the drama and children's departments. She wrote for radio, and she wrote four screenplays and childrens books in the 'Robbers' series as well as her autobiography, 'Stage by Stage'.

Poist sa Chompántas

Teideal Poist Compántas
Founder The Pike Theatre

Creidiúintí: DRÁMADÓIR

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Lady G Carolyn Swift

Assistant Director

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
A Garden Party Brendan Behan
Moving Out Brendan Behan
The Big House Brendan Behan

Managing Director

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
She Sits Smiling Ernest Gébler
The Surprise G. K . Chesterton

Assistant Producer

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
The Quare Fellow Brendan Behan


Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
The Scatterin' James McKenna