Baile | Eolas | Déan Teagmháil Linn

An Chomhairle Ealaíon Playography In English


Alan Archbold


Alan Archbold is an actor, director, screen writer and playwright. He has written and directed the short films "No Flowers", "The Life Of Reilly" and "Rainbow's End". He is a board member of The Passion Machine and has acted in many of their productions including "Home", "Pigrims", "Brown Bread" and "Studs". He is currently the senior storyline writer of Fair City and regularly appears as the character Richard Ashcroft.

Creidiúintí: DRÁMADÓIR

Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
A Little Bit of Blue Alan Archbold


Teideal an Dráma Drámadóir
Fully Recovered Anto Nolan