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The Gay Wolf


  • Drámadóir

    Roger Kelly 

  • Achoimre

    Emma Rowbottom, drapery shop owner, dies and leaves her business to her charwoman, cutting her nephew, the Gay Wolf, out of her will. She also leaving money to her spinster niece on condition that she marries.

  • Cinéal Dráma

    Drámaí Ginearálta

    Líon na Míreanna

    Dráma Fada

Céad Léiriú

Foireann An Chéad Léirithe  
Unspecified Character(s) J.J. Murphy
Unspecified Character(s) Maurice O'Callaghan

Eolas Faoi Chearta

  • Níl aon eolas ar fáil. Scrúdaigh taighdeoirí ITÉ an iontráil dráma seo go cúramach agus ní bhfuarthas aon eolas eile ina thaobh. Má tá eolas eile agat ar an iontráil seo, ar mhiste leat é a chur chugainn?

Foinse Eolais

Information for this entry has come from press cuttings sourced for the Irish Playography project.