John McCann (2)
For ages 13+.
Comet is a guerilla performance for teenagers looking at the reality of being a teenage boy today, inspired by real-life interviews with young men across Northern Ireland.
Drámaí don Aos Óg
19 September 2014
Produced by Replay Theatre Company
First performed as part of a tour to schools in Northern Ireland.
Níl aon eolas ar fáil. Scrúdaigh taighdeoirí ITÉ an iontráil dráma seo go cúramach agus ní bhfuarthas aon eolas eile ina thaobh. Má tá eolas eile agat ar an iontráil seo, ar mhiste leat é a chur chugainn?
The information for this entry was taken from the play's original promotional material and accompanying Resource Pack with additional information supplied by the company.