Roger Kelly
An Ulster comedy about a family in a country town, who are suspicious of a some American visitors and believe them to be gangsters.
Drámaí Ginearálta
Dráma Fada
30 January 1967
Produced by Belfast Arts Theatre
Belfast Arts Theatre
Níl aon eolas ar fáil. Scrúdaigh taighdeoirí ITÉ an iontráil dráma seo go cúramach agus ní bhfuarthas aon eolas eile ina thaobh. Má tá eolas eile agat ar an iontráil seo, ar mhiste leat é a chur chugainn?
Information for this entry has come entirely from press cuttings. As such, cast size details should be taken as approximate, and no production team details were available.