Lee Dunne
By the age of ten you knew all about puddin’ clubs and doses of the pox and you smiled sardonically, even though you didn’t know that that’s what you were doing, whenever anyone talked about Santy Claus and the Stork and all that rubbish. And when Joe Soap got married after seven Mass on a weekday you knew that his missus was going to spend her honeymoon the labour ward at the Rotunda. That was how it was on The Hill you learned fast whether you wanted to or not.
Dráma Fada
04 September 1976
Eblana Theatre
17 OaklandsGreystonesCo WicklowRepublic of Ireland
All Territories
All Rights
The information for this entry was taken from the author's website www.leedunne.com. Additional information was taken from a promotional flyer for the World Premiere.